Portrayals of Minorities on Television

Good or Bad?

Hello everyone! My name is Alima and welcome to my blog,

Have you ever wondered about how media effect our perception by the means of portraying different minorities and groups on television?  Let me be more specific, by perception I mean the information we create about "minority groups", for example, stereotypes, which have been spreading by media last few decades, why it can negatively influence anyone's life?
Portrayal of Arabs

Why Media often portrayals Arabs as terrorists or rich sheikhs-abuser? Why 50% of Latino immigrants characters were represented in an unlawful act?  Since I’m studying Media and Society, I found this issue concerning for audience who accept what they hear and see at the face value. In my opinion, all people are different, we cannot blame hole nation by the offences of ones,by the fundaments of stereotypes. There are a lot of optimistic contrasts, for example, until the 1960s there were almost no African Americans on advertising or television programs, but currently it might be considered as racism. All of what was mentioned above can influence negative labeling and other negative outcomes. In the end of my blog you might change you opinion or think about how media can concern your perception of others.


  1. I like the way u r explaining about portrayals of minorities on television it is clear and u have given a very nice example for a reader so i can understand more base on ur description .

  2. I found this topic interesting also because I was in the situation when people were communicating with me based on stereotypes of my nation which were given to them by the media.


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