What The Experts Say 2

Latino,Black and Middle-Eastern Immigrants Portrayal as Criminal on TV

“For many TV viewers, shows are their primary source of knowledge about these fellow Americans. And even for people who have personal experience with diverse communities, the repeated drumbeat of similar, often-problematic depictions shapes conscious and subconscious perceptions,” states Alan Jenkins, executive director of The Opportunity Agenda

Veronica Villafane is an expert in the Hispanic media industry who made a research in “Latino,Black and Middle-Eastern Immigrants Portrayal as Criminal on TV” Since we live in an informational age, often everything we see on tv we might perceive as a fact. The quotes above where state due to analyzation of storyline related to immigrants within popular television programs. Moreover, according to Jenkins such problematic depiction can “influence attitudes, behavior and decision-making in hiring, policing, health care, education and other policies”. This article might be a good example of one of fourth chronological stages of portrayal of minorities on television, basically in a negative way.

The study “Power of Pop: Analyzing Portrayals of Immigrants in Popular Television,” indicates that an analysis of 40 leading television programs shows Latino immigrant characters are the most represented as criminals.


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